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The Ultimate Guide to Improve Your Landing Page Performance in Google Ads

November 1, 2022
8 min read

Are you looking to improve your landing page experience in Google Ads? If so, you're in the right place. This guide will cover everything you need to know about landing page experience KPI in Google Ads, including what it is, why it matters, and how you can improve it.  

Firstly, what does one mean by landing page experience? The landing page experience of a customer refers to their first interaction with your brand after clicking on an ad or sponsored link. Your goal as a marketer should be for that customer's first impression of your brand to be one they enjoy, remember and want more of. A landing page can be any webpage on the internet but typically refers to pages specifically designed for conversion - those pages where the visitor clicked an ad or sponsored link which brought them there. Now that we've covered the landing page experience let's discuss why it matters.

Google has made various changes to how it measures quality scores in the last few years, and landing page experience (LPE) is one of them. Google uses LPE as a component of quality score to help understand how well your ads and landing pages perform relative to other advertisers who use similar keywords and compete in similar ad auction markets with identical ad copy and landing pages. As a result, LPE helps Google give higher quality scores to ads that perform better, leading to lower cost-per-click bids and more conversions over time. 

Why Should We Track Landing Page Performance?

Monitoring your landing page experience is essential for a few reasons. 

  • First, a high-quality landing page can improve your conversion rate, meaning you'll get more bang for your buck with your ad spend. 
  • Second, a good landing page experience can improve your Quality Score, which will lower your costs per click and help you rank higher in the search results. 
  • Third, monitoring your landing page experience can help you identify issues preventing people from converting, so you can make changes to improve the user experience. 
  • Finally, tracking this KPI will give you insights into how well your ads are performing and whether or not they're driving qualified traffic to your site. The metric you should track when measuring your landing page experience is the percentage of sessions that lead to a goal. 

In other words, if 100 people visit your site after clicking on an ad and 2 of them convert, then you have a 2% conversion rate. Here's how to set up Goal Conversion Tracking:

1) Click on Campaigns and select Goals.

2) Click +New Goal and name it something like Conversion Rate. Choose Conversions, then select Website goal completion. Specify your desired conversion value (in %). 

3) Check the box that says Track conversions across devices 

4) Select Yes under Send me alerts about these goals. 

5) Click Save & Next Step 

6) Now, you need to add a trigger. 

You could use keywords, location names, etc., but we recommend adding some custom triggers to know what's triggering conversions.

How To Track Landing Page Performance? 

Follow these steps to understand how to effectively track this KPI and get knowledge of landing page experience:

  1. Set up your account and create a new campaign.
  2. Select Search Network only and All features so you can access the advanced features later.
  3. Set your bid strategy to manual CPC, giving you more control over your spending.
  4. In the Networks section, make sure the Google Search option is selected.
  5. Create your ad group and write your ads.
  6. Once your ads run, you can track your Landing Page Experience KPI in Google Analytics under the Acquisition tab. You will see the landing page URLs for your ads there. You should create filters in GA that filter out all non-landing pages and show only those landing pages with high traffic volume (similar to this example). 
  7. You should also keep an eye on bounce rates, which give you insight into whether people find what they're looking for when they land on your site. For example, if people keep bouncing back after viewing one page or a single advertisement, it could indicate that something is wrong with the copy or design of your site's content. 

High clicks without many conversions mean that your website isn't converting as well as you think it is, or users aren't finding what they want on your site. If you're getting a lot of impressions but a few clicks, that may mean that your landing page doesn't match what people are searching for. 

On the other hand, if you're getting plenty of clicks but few conversions, it might be because your offers don't appeal to most visitors. Check your bids and make sure you're targeting keywords that represent the audience you want to reach.

7 Ways To Improve Landing Page Performance in Google Ads

We are listing the top 7 ways to improve this KPI:

  1. First and foremost, your landing page should be relevant to the keywords and ad that brought the user there. If not, you will have a high bounce and low conversion rates.
  2. Make sure your landing page loads quickly. Users are impatient, and if your page takes too long to load, they'll likely leave before seeing what you offer.
  3. The headline and subheadline on your landing page are essential elements that should accurately reflect what the user will find on the page. Again, relevancy is key here.
  4. Your landing page should be easy to navigate. Users should be able to easily find what they're looking for without getting frustrated or lost. 
  5. Include calls-to-action (CTAs) throughout your landing page to encourage users to take the next step in their journey. Remember: CTAs should be aligned with goals!
  6. Ensure all content is visible above the fold so that users don't need to scroll down the page and can make quick decisions based on their initial impressions of your brand and the company's value proposition (what sets them apart from competitors).
  7. Include video content where appropriate - it's proven to increase conversions, especially when paired with this significantly.

Some quick tips to look for improving the Landing Page Experience are:

  1. First, test different page layouts and design elements to see what works best for your audience.
  2. Use clear and concise copy that highlights the value of your product or service.
  3. Include a strong call-to-action that encourages visitors to take the next step.
  4. Make sure your page loads quickly and is free of any technical errors.
  5. Track your landing page experience KPI over time and make necessary changes to improve your results. It’s important to remember that there is no one size fits all approach, so keep experimenting until you find the right mix for your business. 

Here are some resources that can help you improve your landing page experience KPI:

  • Optimizely: Optimizely offers a full suite of testing tools that help marketers understand how people behave on their site and allows them to test up to 10 variations simultaneously with live traffic.
  • Google Website Optimizer: As part of its Webmaster Tools suite, Google offers website optimization tools to analyze key performance indicators, including load times, engagement rates, and bounce rates across various metrics like devices and operating systems.
  • Clearleft's Customer Journey Mapping Template: A downloadable template from Clearleft provides creatives with examples of measuring user engagement with specific design features (such as copywriting) through a series of checklists. One handy tool, in particular, helps designers visually map the customer journey by breaking it down into steps or conversion points.


Your landing page experience is essential for a successful Google Ads campaign. A good landing page experience can improve your quality score, leading to lower costs per click and improved ad positions. A good landing page experience is key to a successful Google Ads campaign. The Landing Page Experience KPI measures how well your landing page meets your target audience. 

A high score means that your landing page is relevant and user-friendly, while a low score indicates that you need to make some improvements. On the other hand, A bad landing page experience can result in higher costs per click and poor ad positions. Advantages of learning about landing page experience -Improve Quality Score-Lower CPCs-Improved Ad Position. This is why we need to know about the landing page experience and how we can improve it.