Google Analytics

Percentage % New Sessions

1.What is the % New Sessions in Google Analytics? 

The % New Sessions metric in Google Analytics tells you what percentage of your traffic is made up of new visitors. This metric can be found in the Audience > Overview report.

This metric is important because it can give you insights into the reach of your website or blog. If you have a high percentage of new sessions, it means that your website or blog is reaching new people. If you have a low percentage of new sessions, it means that your website or blog is mostly being seen by the same people.

You can use the % New Sessions metric to improve the reach of your website or blog by creating content that is targeted at new visitors. For example, if you have a blog that is mostly being read by the same people, you can try creating new blog posts that are specifically designed to attract new readers.

2.Why is the % New Sessions in Google Analytics important?

The % New Sessions in Google Analytics is an important metric to track because it helps you understand how well your website is acquiring new users. If you see a high % New Sessions, it means that your website is doing a good job of attracting new visitors. On the other hand, if you see a low % New Sessions, it means that your website needs improvement in terms of acquire new users.

There are a number of different factors that can affect your % New Sessions, such as your website's design, your marketing campaigns, and your overall traffic. By understanding what factors influence this metric, you can make changes to your website and marketing strategies to improve your % New Sessions and acquire more new users.

3.How can you leverage % New Sessions KPI in Google Analytics?

% New Sessions is a key performance indicator (KPI) in Google Analytics that measures the percentage of new users who visit your website. This metric is important because it allows you to track the growth of your user base over time.

There are a few different ways to view % New Sessions in Google Analytics. The first is to go to the Audience > Overview report. Here, you will see % New Sessions for your entire user base.

You can also view % New Sessions for specific segments of users. To do this, go to the Audience > Segments report. Here, you can create custom segments of users and see how % New Sessions differs for each segment.

Finally, you can view % New Sessions for specific pages on your website. To do this, go to the Behavior > Site Content > All Pages report.

4.What impacts % New Sessions in Google Analytics?

There are many factors that impact % New Sessions in Google Analytics.

The most important factor is the source of the traffic.

If the traffic is coming from organic search, it is likely that the % New Sessions will be higher because the users are coming to the site for the first time.

Other factors that can impact % New Sessions include the type of device the user is using, the country the user is in, and the type of browser the user is using.

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